We strive to promote a healthy lifestyle through physical activity for all ages and abilities, in a safe environment, by walking and running, thereby benefitting our members, our local community as well as our supported charitable organizations.
The Board recruits the CEO who will be accountable to the Board. The Board and CEO shall agree on a detailed job description for the CEO that outlines the duties of the CEO which include but are not limited to
- Ensuring the organization’s activities are in furtherance of its mission and purpose while leading the organization’s planning processes;
- Developing, implementing, monitoring and assessing the organization’s programs including their impact;
- Developing, implementing and monitoring sound and compliant financial, legal and all other management functions, including reporting to the Board.
The CEO is allowed to be present at all Board meetings with the exception of the annual closed session of the Board where a report of the evaluation of the CEO is presented and acted upon. The Board may also call for special closed sessions, excluding the CEO, to discuss performance concerns, concerns of malfeasance, or concerns of illegal or unethical conduct.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is not elected but appointed by and dismissed by the Board. The CEO is appointed as an independent agent and is paid monthly based on performance achievements agreed upon with the Board. The CEO will not be a Board member but will respond to the Board: on a monthly basis at Board meetings; on a daily basis for all important news, providing an update on his/her responsibilities and activities as outlined in a separate CEO Responsibility List.
Since the CEO is not a member of the Board nor elected, the CEO has no voting right to avoid a potential conflict of interest.
The Board and CEO may periodically review the list of Responsibilities to agree on which items can be delegated and supervised, and which need to be handled by the CEO personally.
Joplin RoadRunners